Discover Vitality: Transform Your Gut Health Journey with Us

At Surrey Centre for Nutrition, we're more than just nutritional therapy practitioners; we're your partners in unlocking optimal gut health. Picture a life free from the discomfort of bloating, the frustration of IBS-type pain, and the burden of digestive ill health. With our integrated approach, we delve deep into the root of your gut health issues, addressing not just the symptoms but the underlying causes unique to you.

Understanding Gut Health: Your Path to Wellbeing

Gut health isn't just about digestion; it's about reclaiming your vitality. Imagine feeling energised, vibrant, and free from the chains of gastrointestinal distress. Whether it's battling constipation, experiencing discomfort after meals, or grappling with acid reflux, we're here to guide you towards a life of digestive harmony.

Gut health refers to the wellbeing and balance of a multitude of factors which can influence the overall functioning of various aspects of digestion and absorption and may when imbalanced, result in a wide range of gastrointestinal symptoms. Common symptoms of digestive ill health include IBS-type pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, discomfort after eating and acid reflux or heartburn sensations. These symptoms will affect nearly 50% of the population at some point.

Many people present with the same or similar symptoms, however, the underlying cause will be different in each person, and a targeted and personalised approach to supporting gut health is essential. This approach is at the heart of how the Gut Health Clinic at the Surrey Centre For Nutrition works.

As Hippocrates said “All disease begins in the gut”

Gut Health : Tailored Solutions for You

No two journeys to gut health are alike. That's why our approach is as unique as you are.

Through comprehensive assessments and targeted testing, we unravel the complexities of your gut health, identifying areas of imbalance such as dysbiosis, pathogens, leaky gut, food reactivities, SIBO, digestive enzyme insufficiency and inflammation.

The symptoms of gastrointestinal imbalance may be so severe and disruptive that they affect the enjoyment of your daily life. However armed with the knowledge from our assessments and tests, we craft personalised nutritional and lifestyle protocols designed to restore equilibrium and banish symptoms returning clients to a point of full health and a life symptom free.

Embrace Vitality: Beyond Gut Health

Your gut health journey is about more than just digestive relief; it's about reclaiming your life and freedom. Say goodbye to FATIGUE, HEADACHES, ANXIETY, and DEPRESSION, and hello to optimal energy and mental clarity.

By nurturing your gut, you'll not only transform your digestive wellness but also bolster your immune system to support symptoms such as ECZEMA, ASTHMA, HAY-FEVER, ARTHRITIS, food ALLERGY and INTOLERANCE, and soothe inflammation, paving the way for vibrant health.

Symptoms you may be experiencing

  • Gut

    Bloating, Bowel issues, Malabsorption, Leaky gut, Gas, Reflux, Heartburn, IBS, Constipation, Food intolorences, Distension, Flatulence, Sensation of fullness and more.

  • Energy

    Brain fog, memory loss, cognitive decline, headaches, migraines, extreme mental fatigue and more.

  • Mental

    Anxiety, depression, stress, low mood, worry, overwhelm, SAD and more.

  • Physical

    Pain, stiffness, inflammation, deconditioning, muscular skeletal tension, lack of mobility, abdominal pain, heartburn/acid reflux, asthma, eczema, hayfever, arthritis, and more.

Join Us on Your Path to Wellness

Ready to embark on a journey towards optimal gut health and vitality? Let us be your guides. Together, we'll navigate the intricacies of your gut health, uncovering the root causes of your symptoms and paving the way for lasting transformation.

Say hello to a life of digestive freedom and radiant vitality. Your journey starts here at the Surrey Centre for Nutrition.

Practitioners that work with
Gut Health

Our prices and packages for gut health conditions

With gut health clients we tend to look at the following:

  • Remove (removal of problematic foods and pathogens)

  • Rest/Replace (allow the gut to rest and replace enzymes for example where insufficient)

  • Reinoculate (with beneficial bacteria)

  • Repair (repair of the gut lining)

  • Rebalance (with nutrients, lifestyles habits etc)

All of these form a fundamental part of any successful gut health protocol and are carried out in a staged manner with overlaps between the stages and greatest focus placed on those areas of imbalance as identified through questionnaires, consultation and testing.

At the Surrey Centre for Nutrition we offer comprehensive assessments, packages and functional diagnostic testing to address your digestive health issues.

  • We invite you to book a FREE discovery call with us so that we can answer any questions you might have about working together.

    Our free discovery calls last roughly 15 minutes.

    During this time we will discuss your current health concerns and your goals. We will then talk you through how we work, some likely areas of investigation, and the process of working with us.


  • You may wish to book an initial health assessment, where we can assess your current state of health, past medical records and symptoms. You will leave this assessment with a clear idea of how we work together during a 3 or 6 month package and the key issues which need to be addressed in order to improve your health.

    A health assessment costs £375


  • A six month programme is a typical treatment journey for a client with chronic gastrointestinal health concerns, however a 3 month package is available. During this time we will work together to investigate the root cause of your symptoms using;

    • consultations

    • review of previous medical notes, diagnoses and tests

    • comprehensive health history and functional medicine timeline analysis

    • food and lifestyle journals

    • full functional medicine case analysis

    • targeted nutritional and functional testing & analysis (frequently we will use comprehensive diagnostic stool testing as a starting point but other tests may be recommended as required)

    We will then apply targeted protocols to address any underlying imbalances identified through our investigations, following the protocols of the 5R (Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Repair and Rebalance) approach to gut health. This will include;

    • dietary and nutritional protocols

    • lifestyle protocols

    • collaboration with your primary healthcare team where necessary

    • collaborative work with our pharmacist to evaluate and address any drug nutrient interactions and contraindications if you have a pharmaceutical medical profile

    You will be supported through the process with monthly consultations and bi-weekly check in support calls.

    It is really important to us that our clients can get the support they need when they need it so we also offer ongoing online support via email or through our client portal messaging app.

    A 3 Month programme starts from £1395 and may be split into three equal monthly instalments if requested.

    A 6 Month programme starts from £2495 and may be split into six equal monthly instalments if requested.



At times it may be appropriate for multiple practitioners to work on getting you back to optimal health.

Interested in working on your health with us?

If you would like to find out more about becoming a client at Surrey Centre for Nutrition, you can book a free 15-minute consultation.

Our approach to functional medicine and nutrition at Surrey Centre for Nutrition

Using a functional medicine and holistic whole health approach to understand the true root cause of your symptoms, we will work with you to identify underlying nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, whilst offering a full range of the latest nutritional and functional testing. You will receive a fully bespoke and tailored nutritional, dietary and lifestyle protocol and the support and empowerment to make changes that are sustainable for a healthy future.

Working with practitioners at the Surrey Centre for Nutrition allows you to tap into their nutritional expertise alongside their functional medicine approach. Commonly functional medicine will identify underlying nutritional imbalances and then refer you onto other professionals to address these, however Libby and her team can attend to all aspects of your health within one treatment protocol.

  • Libby

    “Libby's knowledge and expertise in nutrition has helped me greatly improve my life. She has enabled me to better understand the connection between my body and what I fuel it with, which has led to increased vital energy levels. I highly recommend Libby to anyone seeking to improve their health and well-being.”
    -Raj, Actor

  • Angie

    “Angie is kind, knowledgeable, friendly and very good at what she does. I tested positive for SIBO (which with her support is now resolved), Epstein Barr Virus and Lyme Disease (and a few other co-infections). She also supported me with an underactive thyroid and worked to detoxify my body.”

  • Libby

    “Libby has given me practical help with developing a more rounded approach to food, one that also impacts on my entire wellbeing. I have always been susceptible to emotional eating and making snap choices in times of stress. Libby has given me tips to make considered choices and has helped shift my thinking to a position of nourishment, rather than starving myself.

  • Libby

    “I sought advice from Libby because of a significant weight loss following an illness, subsequent operation and prolonged stay in hospital. Prior to seeing Libby, my weight had shown no signs of recovering but, following Libby’s recommended changes to my diet, over a three month period I am now back to my pre operation weight. Additionally previous digestive symptoms have also been positively influenced, due, I am sure, to the dietary changes recommended by Libby. Friends and family all say how much better I am looking!”

    -Tom, Retired

  • Angie

    “I am extremely lucky to have found Angie Ash when I did. I have MS, have got through breast cancer, was in a toxic relationship and was at a point where divorce and my house-sale were happening... lots of stress in the mix then. PLUS I was losing weight even though I was underweight already and my gut wasn’t working properly.”

  • Angie

    Angie knows her stuff, is kind, friendly and caring. My CD57 (immune Lyme marker) is now nearly in the normal range and my immune system has woken up and is now doing it’s job again. Our consultations covered all aspects of health not just the physical body but the emotional and mental wellbeing too. It all worked well for me – she opened doors to things that I just wasn't aware of. She's made a massive difference to my life, not only in terms of my physical health but also in the context of ideas on how to get through trauma. Truly amazing.
    - R.O., Ceredigion, Wales