Tiredness & Fatigue

We all go through phases in our lives when we may feel more tired for one reason or another, for example, a particularly busy phase at work or at home, or a lack of sleep due to the arrival of a new baby. This is normal so long as the fatigue resolves itself once the trigger, event, or circumstance has passed. If you are however experiencing ongoing or unrelenting fatigue that leaves you feeling sluggish throughout the day, or at certain times of day, with no identifiable cause then this is not considered normal. You may also be experiencing sleep problems, where falling or staying asleep is not easy and this has a knock-on effect in terms of your daytime energy. Whatever your pattern of fatigue or tiredness there is usually an identifiable underlying biochemical, nutritional or physiological reason behind this.


How does Surrey Centre for Nutrition work with Tiredness & Fatigue?

The first point of the investigation will be to identify if there are any dietary or nutritional reasons why you may be feeling tired. We will do this through careful analysis of a diet diary and consultation about your diet. We may also delve deeper with the help of nutritional testing which can help us identify any underlying insufficiencies or deficiencies of nutrients relating to energy production. We will also look at how what you are eating is supporting your energy throughout the day and your sleep at night.

We may then look at hormonal control of energy, including the production and rhythm of stress hormones, along with thyroid hormones.

If we need to delve further then we may begin to look at infectious agents such as latent bacterial or viral infections, neurological triggers and food reactivity.

Whatever the cause we will find it through detailed investigations that may involve the use of functional and nutritional testing. We can then use targeted nutritional and lifestyle protocols to address our findings and bring you back to a point of energy and vitality so you can enjoy every day without limitations.


Are you ready to work with us to reach your health goals?


If you or someone you know is suffering from the symptoms or conditions listed above, Surrey Centre for Nutrition may be able to help. We typically work with clients for 3-6 months depending on your health concerns. Are you interested in working with us?

Book a discovery call to see how the Surrey Centre for Nutrition can help 

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Nutritional Optimisation

